图书详情 Book Information
书名:《儿童财商故事》系列丛书 Title: “Financial Quotient Stories for Children” Series |
语种:中文 Language:Chinese |
类别:少儿 Category: Children's Books |
出版社:四川科学技术出版社 Publisher: Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology |
作者:曹葵 Author: Cao Kui |
出版时间:2022.3 Publication Date: 2022.3 |
出版国家/地区: 中国 Publication Country/Region: China |
页数:60页 Pages:60 Pages |
开本:16开 Dimension:16 Format |
销量:10000册 Sales Volume: 10000 Copies |
版权状态:(版权输出区域,印度)版权可售 Copyright Status:(India Sold)Available |
获奖信息:无 Award: None |
内容简介 Synopsis
There are eight books in this set: “What is Money”, “Why We Save”, “The Magic Bank”, “How did Your Parents Get Their Money”, “Your First Small Business”, “Learn to Be a Little Money Manager”, “How to Spend Money” and “Things That Matter More Than Money”. With a core knowledge point in each book, this set explain money knowledge to children easily through a number of vivid and interesting stories, cultivating children's financial intelligence awareness step by step, helping children to shape the correct view of money and values.
作者简介 About the Author
The author graduated from Tsinghua University and is now a teacher at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China. Since 2003, he has offered a series of electives of economics, such as “Economics”, “China’s Economic Analysis” and “Finance in Life”, which have been very popular among students. Over the past 17 years, nearly 1,000 students of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China have received enlightenment education of "Principles of Economics" in his classes.
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