图书详情 Book Information
Title: Small hand fairy tale |
语种:简体中文 Language:Chinese |
类别:少儿 Category: Children |
出版社:四川少年儿童出版社 Publisher: Sichuan Children’s Publishing House Co.,Ltd. |
作者 张秋生 Author Zhang Qiusheng |
出版时间:2022年5月 Publication Date: 2022.05 |
出版国家/地区:中国大陆 Publication Country/Region: Mainland of China |
页数: Pages: |
开本: Dimension: |
销量: Sales Volume: |
版权状态: Copyright Status: |
获奖信息: Award: |
内容简介 Synopsis
This book is the famous fairy tale master teacher Zhang Qiusheng's classic fairy tale works. This book is the creation of the fairy tale as a picture book, each page is equipped with vivid hand-painted cross-page illustrations, the characters are lovely and vivid, the text part of the book is marked with pinyin, is very suitable for primary school and preschool children to read the independent story book with pictures and pictures.
作者简介 About the Author
Zhang Qiusheng, born in 1939, Jinghai County, Tianjin, member of the Chinese Writers Association, used to be the editor of Children's Times magazine, and then transferred to Shanghai Youth Newspaper as the deputy editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the newspaper.
封面及内文图片 Images of Cover and Inner Page