图书详情 Book Information
Title: Secret of Body Language: The Psychology of Behavior |
语种:中文 Language:Chinese |
类别:社科,心理 Category: Social science |
出版社:四川文艺出版社 Publisher: Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House |
作者:王邈 Author: Wang Miao |
出版时间:2022 Publication Date: 2022 |
出版国家/地区: 中国 Publication Country/Region: China |
页数:288 Pages:288 |
开本:32 Dimension:32 |
销量: Sales Volume: |
版权状态:越南 Copyright Status:Vietnam sold |
获奖信息: Award: |
内容简介 Synopsis
“The Secrets of Body Language: The Psychology of Behavior” is a book that uses the author's nearly 20 years of research in behavioral psychology and a large amount of research and experimental data as material to provide a visual and in-depth discussion and interpretation of body language. The book is rich in theoretical knowledge of psychology, but also has a large number of practical cases of life.
作者简介 About the Author
Wang Miao, Master of Applied Psychology, National Level 2 Counselor, Behavioral Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalyst, and inventor of the start-up graphical lie detection technique.
封面及内文图片 Images of Cover and Inner Page