图书详情 Book Information
书名:郑春华奇妙绘本·了不起的职业系列(全4册) Title: Fantastic Picture Books by Zheng Chunhua • Amazing Career Series(4 titles) |
语种:简体中文 Language:Simplified Chinese |
类别:少儿 Category: Children's Books |
出版社:四川天地出版社有限公司 Publisher: Sichuan Tiandi Publishing House Co., Ltd. |
作者:郑春华 Author: Zheng Chunhua |
出版时间:2019.3 Publication Date: March 2019 |
出版国家/地区: 中国 Publication Country/Region: China |
页数:192 Pages:192 |
开本:16K Dimension:16K |
销量:120000万册 Sales Volume: 120,000 copies |
版权状态:日语已售 Copyright Status:World Rights available |
获奖信息:荣获2019年“精品阅读年度好书奖” Award: 2019 Best Book of the Year by Quality Reading Magazine |
内容简介 Synopsis
郑春华是我国当代幼儿文学领域中非常有影响力的作家,她所 创作的“大头儿子和小头爸爸”系列图书温暖了一代代人的童年。 “郑春华奇妙绘本•了不起的职业系列”是作家在绘本领域的全新 尝试。作家与著名绘本画家沈苑苑诚意联合,将目光投射到平凡生活之中,从儿童的视角出发,撷取生动的生活片段,融入想象的元素,用简洁、浅显、欢快的文字,鲜明、夸张、灵动的图画,讲述了一系列普通却又了不起的职业童话。 四本书四位主角:天不亮就起来清扫的环卫工,为夜归人提供便利的营业员,照顾家庭起居的保姆,每天奔波在城市中的邮递员。他们看似平凡,但却用辛劳为城市带来了舒适与温暖,他们应该被认识,更应该被敬重、被感激。
Zheng Chunhua is a very influential writer in the field of contemporary children's literature in China. Her series of books “The Big Head Son and Little Head Dad” have warmed the childhood of generations. “Amazing Picture Books • Amazing Career Series” is a new attempt in the field of picture books. The writer and the famous picture book illustrator Shen Yuanyuan sincerely united and cast their gaze into the ordinary life. From the perspective of children, they took vivid life fragments and integrated with elements of imagination. The words are simple, superficial and cheerful; the illustrations are vivid, exaggerate and agile. The stories tell a series of ordinary but amazing professional fairy tales. Four books have four protagonists: the sanitation workers doing cleaning work when it is still dark, the salesperson who provides convenience for the night returners, the babysitter who takes care of the family, and the postman who travels around the city every day to deliver letters. They seem ordinary, but they help bring comfort and warmth to the city with their hard work. They should be recognized and respected.
作者简介 About the Author
Zheng Chunhua, a famous children’s literature writer. The “Big-head Son and Little-head Father” series she created is a milestone of classic Chinese infant literature, and its animated cartoons adapted from it are widely known. She also wrote stories about primary school life such as “The Very Little Boy Ma Mingjia”, a medium-length toddler story “Violet Kindergarten”, “Beca's Cherry Class”, and an infant poetry “Circle and Circle”. She has won various awards such as the "Little Pine" award from the International Children's Book Alliance, the National Excellent Children's Reading Award, the National Outstanding Children's Literature Award, and the Bing Xin Children's Book Award.
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